2015年9月 明細書英訳(化学分野)- "such as ... and"と"such as ... or"
Non-limiting examples of the solvent include a halogen hydrocarbon such as 1,2-dichloroethane and chloroform; aromatic hydrocarbons such as toluene and benzene; esters such as ethyl acetate and isopropyl acetate; ethers such as tetrahydrofuran and 1,4-dioxane; and water.
Non-limiting examples of the solvent include a halogen hydrocarbon such as 1,2-dichloroethane and chloroform; aromatic hydrocarbons such as toluene and benzene; esters such as ethyl acetate and isopropyl acetate; ethers such as tetrahydrofuran and 1,4-dioxane; and water.
上の文章では、主語部(Non-limiting examples of the solvent) + include + 単数の名詞(a halogen hydrocarbon) となっていますので、この形をとる以上、such as の後は、この単数名詞に呼応して択一的に読めるように、"and" ではなく、"or" を用います。つまり、"such as 1,2-dichloroethane and chloroform" ではなく、"such as 1,2-dichloroethane or chloroform" となります。
しかしながら、上の例ではむしろ、主語部(Non-limiting examples of the solvent) + include + 複数の名詞(halogen hydrocarbons) として "such as 1,2-dichloroethane and chloroform" を生かした形にすべきでしょう。このようにすると、他の例示の複数表現、即ち、aromatic hydrocarbons, esters, ethers と合います。
1)名詞(複数形) + such as + A,B,and C
ex.) organic nitrogen compounds such as urea, amino acids, and nitrophenols
ex.) organic nitrogen compounds such as urea, amino acids, and nitrophenols
2)名詞(単数形) + such as + A,B,or C
ex.) an inorganic zinc compound such as zinc oxide, zinc sulfate, or zinc carbonate
ex.) an inorganic zinc compound such as zinc oxide, zinc sulfate, or zinc carbonate
Non-limiting examples of the solvent include a halogen hydrocarbons such as 1,2-dichloroethane and chloroform; aromatic hydrocarbons such as toluene and benzene; esters such as ethyl acetate and isopropyl acetate; ethers such as tetrahydrofuran and 1,4-dioxane; and water.
Non-limiting examples of the solvent include a halogen hydrocarbons such as 1,2-dichloroethane and chloroform; aromatic hydrocarbons such as toluene and benzene; esters such as ethyl acetate and isopropyl acetate; ethers such as tetrahydrofuran and 1,4-dioxane; and water.
但し、上の1)の場合には、and でなくor でも間違いではないという人もいます。その理由は"or"がここでは択一ではなく、A,B,Cからなる和集合を指すからというものです。特にA,B,Cが全て複数形で記載されている場合には問題ないかもしれません。